LE MEC FW 22-23 Collection
DEFINTIONS - “Cʼest Qui Le Mec ?”
As kids, we’re often asked about our aspirations in life.
“ What do you want to be when you grow up ? ”Dreaming seems legitimate -and not romanticized- then.
However, as most of us turn out to be something different than what we
innocently dreamt of, making new adult dreams is always painted as
unchartered waters very few dare to test.
As societal beliefs govern one’s own, going against the grain proves to be a
luxury in our contemporary world.
We do occasionally embrace fantasy, but only to distance ourselves from
reality. That fantasy is thus ephemeral and forever elusive .. but we’re
certain it doesn’t have to be. Rebels in corporate suits, astronauts at the cashier and mad artists
disguised as the guys next door ..
Maison du Mec asks you : “ How are you testing new waters ? “
The Fall-Winter 2022-2023 collection by Maison du Mec is presented as a
series of answers to the above question - Real answers for real people,
bringing the magic of fantasy the closest possible to everyday life.
The right time and right place to dream only exist in conformists’ minds.
Our whims shall expire at no age.
“Le Mec” – the Maison du Mec man – exercises the right to perform
through life and not just stumble upon in it. Each occasion is rendered in desire. From showing up on a Zoom call at 8 a.m. right after a party to attending a best friend’s wedding, “Le Mec” is
dressed to impress and set to make the most out of the very least.
Fantasy is often dispelled through romance for a reason. We don’t have to
be reasonable though.